Why is it that we struggle to taste joy purely upon existing aside from our “blessings”?
Is it really that difficult to savor the flavors of our childhood? A time when even the most insignificant things brought us overflowing excitement? Why do we seek happiness in things that we deem unattainable? As if to reach those things have become the pinnacle of living life, our purpose— yet only until we get to them, that is, as if the magic disappears once we do, similar to that of a romantic crush almost… ‘only for the cycle to repeat again’
According to one of many Islamic viewpoints— this world is only grounds for “testing”; a place where one should relish the samples of origins that lay waiting in the afterworld. A world portrayed to be a plantation for the next, where one cultivates their “good” and “bad” deeds into flourishing in an eternal plantation. However, should we indeed wait to experience those pleasures, and position ourselves in accordance with the rejoicement we hope to live in heaven?
All of these questions can be answered in a variety of ways depending on the seeker and in which way they chose to interpret the query; however, the main question is, what can one learn / see from / in the answer of another? What apparent aspects to one, hide from the sight of the other? In fact, what stands out in all of this for you? How do you balance spirituality with the world in which you live in?
I spent the majority of my life in the absence of this contemplation until I was faced with the very first question, what was it that dragged us into a constant state of unease, and when did we go from being satisfied with the smallest things, to being stuck in this perpetual cycle of chasing? Because in theory, one should be happy if they have a pleasurable job, steady income, loving family and a healthy life, otherwise, they are ungrateful. Revolving our happiness around these notions lead to a pretentious response of “doing great!” when asked how we are in our attempts to conceal our innermost feelings.
Upon reaching this epiphany, I decided to call out “The King is Naked!” by admitting to the very fact that “I was not doing great,” as the feeling of fulfillment was quite far from where I had been conditioned to feel it. I could see that my honest response was initially concerning for those that asked, only for that concern to be followed by similar sparks of realization behind their confused gaze ignited from hearing a response out of the ordinary. This cognizance fueled my curiosity to learn more about other people’s perception of the same questions, eventually leading me to the idea of SufiCorner, with hopes of joining those on the same quest as myself.